Brushing your teeth is the most crucial part of your oral hygiene and an effective way to keep your overall oral health. Performing the appropriate technique can prevent you from having tartar formation, gum disease, decay, bad breath, and many other oral conditions. 

However, to achieve the best results possible, you need to have adequate knowledge and tools. Thereby, here, we give you 7 recommendations you can take to boost your oral health and maintain a healthy smile:

Use The Appropriate Toothbrush

Using the incorrect toothbrush can cause more harm than good in your mouth. Brushing your teeth with a hard toothbrush can produce wear lesions in the neck of your teeth and gum recessions. Thereby, we recommend you buy a soft toothbrush with straight and flat bristles to avoid hurting your teeth and gums. 

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Indistinctly of the commercial brand you choose, make sure that it contains fluoride above 1400 ppm. Using fluoride toothpaste is indispensable to help you fight the bacteria in your mouth and defend your teeth from demineralization for long periods. Nonetheless, do not fill your toothbrush with toothpaste entirely. The amount of a beam is enough for adults and a rice beam for children. 

Fluoride toothpaste

Use The Correct Technique

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you brush your teeth at a 45° angle to your gums, applying gentle pressure into your inner and outer teeth surfaces. The movements should be like short strokes, taking your toothbrush back and forward and following a sequence to not forget any spots. Later, brush the chewing surfaces of your molars and put your toothbrush vertically to clean the inner part of your front teeth. Finally, don't forget to brush your tongue, making expulsive movements until it is entirely clean. 

With this technique, you can remove most of the place and bacteria in your teeth, gums, and tongue.

Brush Your Teeth for at Least Two Minutes

Brushing your teeth for a shorter period could indicate that you are skipping or missing some crucial spots in your mouth. Therefore, take your time and try to spend at least 2 minutes in your toothbrushing technique, including your tongue. However, do not exaggerate the time you spend with it, as longer and harder toothbrushing can harm your tissues.

Brush After Meals, Not Before

Usually, we brush our teeth twice a day, waking up and before going to bed. However, the ideal situation is brushing your teeth after every meal, including snacks. Nonetheless, you should avoid brushing immediately after eating, expressly when you eat or drink acidic foods and drinks. If you brush your teeth after breakfast, try waiting for at least 20 minutes, and, if you cannot wait, brush before or rinse your mouth with plenty of water or mouthwash. 

Floss at Least Once A Day

When you use dental floss, you eliminate all the plaque and bacteria that your toothbrush cannot reach, especially the one located between your teeth. Otherwise, this plaque can produce decay and gum disease, even if you perform a perfect brushing technique. Therefore, floss at least once a day, after or before you use your toothbrush. 

Other Tips You Need to Take into Consideration

Try to include the use of mouthwash in your daily oral hygiene. Also, consider changing your diet a bit to reduce sugar and sweet foods for healthier alternatives. Moreover, keep your toothbrush in a clean place, looking upwards, and separated from others. 

Finally, remember to visit your dentist for a regular check-up and keep your hygiene habits to guarantee excellent oral health.


--- By Dr. Samuel I A Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) from Central University of Venezuela. He is also the Member of the National College of Dental Surgeon of Venezuela. Boasts almost 10 years experience in general dentistry.



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